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Soybean Origin: Sustainability, Nutrition, and Economic Value

Soybean Origin: Sustainability, Nutrition, and Economic Value

In a recent interview with nutriNews International, Dr. Edgar Oviedo Rondón, DVM, PhD, from the Prestage Department of Poultry Science at North Carolina State University, shared key insights from his recent article in the nutriNews International magazine. The discussion centered around the sustainability, nutrition, and economic value of soybeans, with a particular focus on their geographical origin. Dr. Oviedo addressed crucial questions, examining the widespread use of soybean meal as a primary protein source in global animal nutrition and delving into environmental considerations linked to the transportation of soybeans from the Americas. The interview delved into the ongoing worries regarding the sustainability of soy production in tropical environments, examining the associated environmental issues and the impact of feed ingredient utilization on the overall environmental footprint of animal-origin food production. Dr. Oviedo shed light on the role of the Global Feed LCA Institute (GFLI) in enhancing sustainability in the animal-origin food industry. Key aspects of the discussion included an examination of sustainability parameters for solvent-extracted soybean meal, with a focus on variations based on the country of origin. The interview also explored the significance of NIRS equipment in feed analysis, highlighting its role as the leading tool and comparing calibrations from AMINONIR and PNE for estimating nutritional composition and energy content of soybean meals. Dr. Oviedo shared insights into observed trends in the prices of diets formulated with American soybean meals, offering economic perspectives on the industry. Emphasizing the importance of considering specific values of ingredient origin over averages, the interview provided valuable guidance for nutritionists in formulating diets, particularly for layers. The interview provided a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted dynamics associated with soybean origin, shedding light on its significant implications for sustainability, nutrition, and economic considerations within the realm of animal nutrition.   You can read the full article here  

Related with Animal Nutrition


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