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Ensuring performance, health and livability by a multifactorial approach

Antimicrobial use in commercial poultry has been drastically reduced or eliminated in recent years. Improved livability without the need for medication is definitely a reality today in various breeds and breed crosses of commercial egg layers. It is important to review some of the factors involved in maintaining flock health and performance without the need for medication. Improving livability through genetic selection is a complex matter that is directly connected to the ability of flocks to achieve longer egg production cycles while maintaining excellent performance and without experiencing significant losses. In the past, it was necessary to cut production cycles short or to induce molting in order to avoid metabolic diseases, reduce mortality and maintain eggshell quality. Today, long production cycles are common in many egg layer operations around the world.
Flocks can sustain long production cycles without significant detriment to their health, bone integrity and eggshell qualities.
And also because eggshell quality and proper egg size can be sustained for a long time without being affected detrimentally by age. Infrastructure, housing, and equipment:
Despite hens living better and longer, it is important to do everything possible to protect their health and welfare without the need for medication. In order to accomplish this goal, various aspects must be emphasized. Some general guidelines for promoting health and performance through management are listed as follows.
Farm and house design should always match the biosecurity and welfare needs of pullets and hens. Regarding infrastructure, it is not absolutely necessary to have the best and most expensive facilities.
What is important is that the investment in infrastructure is geared to ensure permanent bird comfort, shelter from diseases and predators and minimal risk for foodborne pathogen contaminations. Farm isolation contributes to minimizing disease risks. Additionally, a common mistake is to remove litter from one house after other houses on the farm have already been…Click here to read more

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