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A close look at the energy values of processed soybean

In this podcast, aviNews International talked with Dr. Gonzalo González Mateos about his article, “A close look at the energy values of processed soybean.”. Dr. Gonzalo is a Professor of Animal Production at the E.T.S. of Agricultural Engineers of Madrid and Co-Founder of the Spanish Foundation for the Development of Animal Nutrition (FEDNA). Also, he is a Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition from the University of Iowa in the U.S. and is an International Consultant. Properly processed full-fat soybean (FFSB) stands out for its wide use in all types of feed. Its high oil and protein contents, together with the quality of its fractions and high palatability, make it especially beneficial in early-age feeding. In addition to its high value in energy and amino acids (AA), FFSB provides significant amounts of phospholipids, substances rich in linoleic acid, phosphorus, vitamin E, and choline. It should be taken into account that the nutritional value of processed soybeans, although more uniform than most raw materials, varies depending on factors such as the type of seed, the origin of the bean, the environmental and agronomic conditions of the sowing area during growth, harvest time, storage & thermal processing conditions of broad bean. Dr. Gonzalo answered the following questions:
  • What are the benefits of the Full-fat soybean during the manufacturing of feed?
  • Do processing factors affect other quality parameters in FFSB?
  • What are the nutritional benefits of the FFSB on the performance of broilers?
  • Why is the energy content of soybean important?
  • Can trypsin inhibitors’ content modify the energy value of the FFSB?
  • How can we estimate the reduction of energy in FFSB based on the trypsin inhibitor content? Is there any equation that helps us to do so?
  • How to predict and calculate the metabolizable energy in FFSB?
To read the full article, you can go here

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